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Vacancy Details
A job opportunity

A job opportunity exists for the right candidate in Western Cape
The Department of Health and Wellness is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply and an indication in the regard will be appreciated.

Note: No payment of any kind is required when applying for any of the positions advertised by the Western Cape Government.
Medical Specialist: Grade 1 to 3 (Public Health Medicine)
  Employment Type: Permanent
  Reference No: HO135/2023
  Directorate: Health Intelligence, Head Office, Cape Town
Requirements Minimum educational qualification:
Appropriate Medical qualification that allows registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Medical Specialist in Public Health Medicine.
Candidates who are not in possession of the stipulated registration requirements may also apply. Such candidates will only be considered for appointment on condition that proof of application for registration with the relevant council and proof of payment of the prescribed registration fees to the relevant council are submitted on or before the day of the interview. This concession is only applicable on health professionals who apply for the first time for registration in a specific category with the relevant council (including individuals who must apply for change in registration status).
Dr M Moodley, tel. no. (021) 483-9341 or per email
Inherent requirement of the job:
Good verbal and written communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape.
Grade 1: None after registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Specialist in Public Health Medicine. Grade 2: A minimum of 5 years appropriate experience as Medical Specialist after registration with the HPCSA (or recognised foreign Health Professional Council in respect of foreign qualified employees) as a Medical Specialist in Public Health Medicine. Grade 3: A minimum of 10 years appropriate experience as Medical Specialist after registration with the HPCSA (or recognised foreign Health Professional Council in respect of foreign qualified employees) as a Medical Specialist in Public Health Medicine.
Duties (key result areas/outputs):
Participating in the building of data processing systems and technical management by supporting the building of data flow channels and processing systems to extract, transform, load and integrate data from various sources. Contribute to the design of data collection tools and database systems for the entry, storage, and retrieval of epidemiological data. Provide public health support. Handling and manipulating large datasets using enterprise database technologies. Building web-based reports, preferably using enterprise reporting tools. Team-based software development and management approaches. Data analysis based on large datasets. Develop and implement training programs, user guides, and other products that promote understanding of the Provincial Health Data Centre tools. Oversee and optimize the process and delivery of operational and research data requests from the Provincial Health Data Centre.
Registration with a professional council:
Registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Specialist in Public Health Medicine.
Competencies (knowledge/skills):
Strong interpersonal relations with the ability to communicate effectively across boundaries at appropriate levels including senior leadership. Advanced knowledge & proficiency with cloud technology including Azure SQL, and interactive data visualization software such as Power BI. Ability to handle situations with diplomacy and understanding protocols whilst adhering to principles and values. Demonstrate strong verbal and written communication skills with the ability to effectively create, edit and review relevant reports and presentations. Good interpersonal and project management skills. Experience in the use of project management methodologies and tools. Experience with health data. Experience in Health system strengthening.
Grade 1: R 1 214 805 - R 1 288 095 per annum, Grade 2: R 1 386 069 - R 1 469 883 per annum, Grade 3: R 1 605 330 - R 2 001 927 per annum ( A portion of the package can be structured according to the individual's personal needs). A portion of the package can be structured according to the individual's personal needs.
Starting Date:
7/28/2023 12:00:00 AM
Candidates may be subjected to a competency test. No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. As directed by the Department of Public Service and Administration, applicants must note that further checks will be conducted once they are shortlisted and that their appointment is subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include security clearance, qualification verification, criminal records and previous employment.
  • It will be expected of shortlisted candidates to be:
  • available at the venue on the time and date as determined by the Department and
  • bring along recently (not older than 6 months) certified copies of your Identity Document (ID), driver’s license (if applicable for the post), qualification and/or proof of registration at relevant statutory body. Failure to adhere to the aforementioned may lead to his/her application being disqualified and not further considered.
Closing date: 8/18/2023 12:00:00 AM